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A RECIPE FOR CITRUS SUNSHINE – A Lemon/Orange Pound Cake from Gretchen McKay of the Pittsburgh Post Gazette. She says, “Will the sun to shine with a lemon-orange pound cake”.

It’s mid-winter here in the North American heartland, and we will do whatever it takes to will the sun to shine. ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ ☀️ 


Buttermilk pound cake with hints of lemon and orange is the perfect way to celebrate citrus season.


The pound cake is an adaptation from Worn Slap Out here: where you can find more in-depth directions. Kathryn herself adapted it from Ina Garten’s Orange Pound Cake, adding a little more citrus to the drizzle icing.

It’s the zest from the citrus that makes this cake smell and taste like sunshine in your kitchen, even if it’s the third grey, cloudy, icy day in a row. It’s like magic – highly recommended! (There’s a reason why Lemon Drizzle Cake is an English Classic!)

ANNA’S EDITS: I made Gretchen McKay’s recipe, adding 1 teaspoon each of turmeric and bee pollen for color and brightness!